
We’ve all been there.

That crunching sound and your heart sinks. You brace yourself as you tip-toe around to check the damage. And that’s when it’s your turn to be hit, arguably the harder part to deal with.

“Can you help”, you ask. I scratch my head and think, you know what, I know just the person. And while I would love to say I set out to offer these supporting services, the truth is – you have created them.

It seems that, upon reflection, we have become the go-to for many such solutions, what started as a guide of who not to use, has morphed into “we can do it better”. Our priority is always to give you the best, so when we saw substandard work elsewhere, we expanded our offering.

In many cases, these parts are NLA, so from progressive 3D printing techniques to more traditional crafts persons, please welcome a new blog series called “Whoops!”

In this case, a 360 fibreglass bumper had an unfriendly meeting with a bollard. The fibres of the material aren’t for your average smart repairer, it’s a really specialist job, and it needs specialists to do the work.

Even if you can find someone that can work with fibreglass, most mobile works trip themselves up when it comes to the spraying. However, we have our own ventilated tent which we are able to work inside - it’s pretty standard but has since formed part of our recipe. The photo gallery below will show you every step of the process and how we avoided a huge bill-shaped headache.

It goes without saying that if you ever find yourself in a situation like this, even the odd scratch and scrape to chips and dents, we would love to help. Click the link below or drop us a line to find out more.